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How To Dress Diamond Blades?

Today I'm going to tell you a few checks that you can make on your dress diamond blades to ensure they're safe and how to dress those blades to keep those diamonds bright.

when cutting porcelain and hard materials. So the process for doing the checks is the same on both the Zoe and the Pecos machines.

I'm going to do the process on the Pecos because this machine is set up to do some cuts; it's filled with water, and that will allow me to tell you how to dress the blade with the dressing stone and with some sandstone, not Indian stone, but sandstone, a very abrasive material.

dress diamond blade machine
dress diamond blade machine

Why is the saw cutting out of line?

One of the main problems we get asked here at Diamond Tools is why the saw cuts out of line 99 times out of 100.

Because you need to look after the blade, the blade is spent or overworked on the porcelain. Porcelain is a rigid material, and diamonds are the hardest known thing to man, so there's a scale called the Mohs scale, and a diamond would be 10, and porcelain can be as much as eight.

And a half, so you're trying to cut something almost as hard as the diamond itself, so you must keep on top of the blades by dress diamond blade regularly.

The matrix on the blade is a soft metal this houses the diamonds, and the soft metal can get wrapped around those diamonds and create a pore cut or a poor-performing blade.

The blade also has to be kept very calm.

That's why these saws deliver a significant amount of water.

On the other hand, if you were cutting a soft material, then the matrix would need to be a hard metal, so I'm going to tell you things to look for on the blade for signs of fatigue and damage.

we're going to tell you how to dress the blade moving forward so safety comes first. Always ensure the saw is unplugged before working around the motor or the blade.

Fractures and cracks

what we're going to do is we're going to slow, slowly turn the blade and look for any fractures or cracks in there.

The blade must not be used if you've got any fractures or breaks.

It means you've run the blade too hot, creating a fracture in the actual blade itself in the metal structure.

Do not use it if there is a fracture. Secondly, you want to look at the leading edge, this is the bit that does the cutting, and if you feel that it's rounded up, then you know you've got a severe amount of dressing up to do.

But if you dress the blade after every cut every couple of cuts you'll keep those diamonds nice and bright.

The metal will not glaze over those diamonds.

Dress diamond blade

so to dress diamond blade, you can use one of two pieces of equipment. I say equipment.

This is a purpose-made dressing stone. It's aluminum oxide.

You can see the sparkly bits in there, and it's in a resin block.

The other thing I use pretty regularly is just a simple piece of soft sandstone, not Indian stone soft sandstone.

This isn't very polite against the matrix of the blade, and to perform the dressing, all we do is switch on the machine.

We do a couple of cuts and use the sandstone that's enough to liven the blade up, or with the synthetic dressing stone, again we switch the machine on and do a couple of small slices into the block, and then I'll tell you how well that's dress diamond blade.

It glides comfortably through the porcelain with a supercut.

Address:Youbu Industry Park,Lanxi City,Zhejiang Provice,China
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